My Take on the Movie “Triage”

Usually I don’t like to watch really realistic movies such as “Triage” starring Colin Farrel, because it’s more of a horror to me than the horror movies that are made to horrify! Mainly because it’s real, it can happen anytime to me and my loved ones whereas with horror movies it’s usually, usually I said, not realistic.

I forced myself to watch this movie because it is becoming important to me to at least get an idea of the beastly wars between humans and how it affects lives.

Then my thoughts trail onto why we have wars. I know that weaponry for profit doesn’t help but even before that humans were at war in all parts of the world. I’ve yet to hear of a peaceful place where humans dwell without fear of being attacked whether in a war, or just walking in the park.

On an individual level, the trauma that is experienced, not just by war victims but by sexually abused humans, raped humans, humans that experienced violence towards their body, sometimes it’s so hard to listen about it because it’s so disturbing but I think, for myself, I have to. Yes, it’s negative but negative happens in our world. We do not live in a happy happy people world and to me when we don’t listen to these individuals we almost help in perpetuating the problem by pretending it doesn’t exist.