My Natural Maui Sea Glass Find For 11-28-09 Saturday

A lot of things have been happening around the Natural Maui household, events taking place, growth…continuous growth, changes…good changes are taking place and amidst all of it…I still go and collect beach sea glass but lag on showing my finds. So with that here I am on Dec. 3rd only now showing my find from this past Saturday, November 28, 2009.

Beach sea glass hunting hasn’t been top notch but it’s been alright as you’ll see from the pictures I took. I still get really excited when I find a good size aquamarine blue sea glass or a lime green sea glass.

On this particular day I wanted to bring my grandson and his cousin with me and my 2 children since they were sleeping at our house. They decided they wanted to help me…

In this next pic they were caught off guard and the wave swept them in and they enjoyed every minute of it!

We’re pau! It’s time to dry off and relax now…it was kinda chilly that day.

All rinsed, dried off, bundled up, happy, and relaxing. You boys did an awesome job!

The fruits of our labor:

I Love all my sea glass finds because to me they are all brought before my by Ke Akua God but I always have my favorites of the day…