What a Beautiful Beach Day!

It wasn’t a spectacular day for collecting sea glass but it was alright. I think I got there kind of late but I still managed to get a few really nice pieces. One thing I really like about the sea glass I collect is that, and this I didn’t know a year ago when I first started collecting, most of the pieces I find are very, very old indeed! At least according to what I read in Richard LaMotte’s book “Pure Sea Glass.” I’m really glad I purchased that book and wished I would’ve known about it when I first started collecting because I made so many pairs of earrings and pendants and just gave them away like crazy!

I really don’t regret it though because everyone I gave to I Love!

But today! As I was collecting I saw giant honu swimming in the waves. It’s always a treat when I see them. It calms me because sometimes, or most times I get really excited when I collect sea glass!

After I was pau I went to watch my son bodyboard wit a friend of his. He enjoys it soooo much! As much as I enjoy collecting sea glass. The waves were small but it didn’t matter to them they were just having soooo much fun! I had the biggest smile on my face watching him because I know he’s gonna come up to me and say “Did you see me get barreled?” I Love It! and I Love Him!