Hilo Hattie Vintage and History

Hilo Hattie Hawaiian print Aloha shirts and muumuus are a long time favorite of both locals and visitors of the beautiful islands of Hawaii.

I love to surf the internet for information on any of the brands of Hawaiian print Aloha shirts I list to share with my buyers, potential buyers, or people interested in learning about Hawaiian print Aloha shirts.

This morning I came upon this website, Vintage Fashion Guild (see URL at bottom), which has a summary on the start up of Hilo Hattie company along with some images of labels used along the course of years.

I don’t have anything available right now with the older labels but I have sold vintage items in the past and will make sure to take pics of the labels and save them in the future.

For now I have this Hilo Hattie Original Hawaiian print Aloha shirt in size XL never used, washed once, in pristine condition.

Written by fuzzylizzie.com

Hilo Hatie was founded in 1962 as Kaluna Hawaii Sportswear. The founder, Jim Romig, marketed his product to tourists, whom he had shuttled to his manufacturing center. He also opened shops in the major resorts to sell his Hawaiian themed clothing.In 1979, the company greatly expanded, buying the Margolis Manufacturing and Retail Company, located in Hilo, along the the rights to the name “Hilo Hattie” which was the stage name of a popular Hawaiian performer. By 2000, Hilo Hattie is one of the largest manufacturing companies in Hawaii.

By January 1,2009, Hilo Hattie had filed for bankruptcy andwas in the process of reorganization. As of May, 2009, the company’s future is in question.

from a 1970s shirt
Courtesy of listitcafe.com

from a 1970s shirt
Courtesy of listitcafe.com

from a 1970s dress
Courtesy of pinky-a-gogo

from a 1970s dress
Courtesy of pinky-a-gogo

from a 1980s shirt
Courtesy of pinky-a-gogo

from a mid 2000s shirt
Courtesy of pinky-a-gogo
